Saturday, November 28, 2009


HELLO! Time for a recap of Emily's birthday. Friday we had people over for a pregame which was fun of course and then when it was time to go to Johnson's a party bus mysteriously appeared in front of our house...

Johnson's was fun but we apparently were too drunk because we were driven home by the lovely Sarah Richardson before 1 am. All I remember is crying and yelling at the bartender because I closed my tab and he "didn't give me back my debit card" and then I found it floating around my purse circa 10 minutes later...typical.

Saturday we went to Juanita's and basically a million people came and the bartender was a huge dick to us and even when we assured him we were of age he responded with "Really? Because it looks like everyone here is 13." Thanks asshole. Then we all went to Chris's house only to find it destroyed so we back-tracked towards Vanderhorst and I unfortunately got split up from everyone but all I know is the night ended with a bloody knee for Emily.

We went to Savannah Sunday which was great except the weather SUCKED. The Andy Warhol exhibit was sweet and the food was dank so we will be returning again but only when the weather is awesome.

It's Thanksgiving break but only for one more day. All I did was eat...I couldn't even eat yesterday because I was still full from the day before. I've been up since 6 am anddd that's about all I can think of. Shoutout to Amy - good luck on the lab final Monday! F our lives!

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